Bolan pass is located in Balochistan province (Pakistan) and is over a 100 km distance from the Afghan border.

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Ancient Indian name for Balochistan is Gadrosi or Gedrosia. Alexander the great won this area from the Persians and then he and his successors lost it to Maurya kings of India (321BC) hence the spread of Buddhism. You could do a Google search on Buddhism in Afghanistan. Eventually much later, in the 10th century AD Mahmud of Ghazni destroyed all idol worshipping and conquered the area before invading the rest of India, hence began the spread of Islam in India. These guys used Bolan and Khyber (North East Frontier Province border of Pakistan touching Afghanistan) to travel. These are both treacherous passes but Bolan pass is worse with an inhospitable desert. Alexander lost a lot of his men at Bolan Pass when he was returning.
Coincidently I have been reading ‘Ancient Geography of India; by Gen. Alexander Cunningham and I got most of my info from it.
Hope this helps.

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