The most important god in ancient China was Ch’eng-Huang. He was the most important god because he was the god of moats and walls. Being the god of moats and walls was very important because who would haft to protect the villages from invaders. Every house in a village had ch’eng-huang in them. Ch’eng-Huang was also the protector of the villages and people.
Since china was communist people weren’t aloud to worship. The people would haft to find a secret place or building, because people could not just go outside and worship. The people would ether get taken to jail, or tortured, or even killed right at that second. Just because china was communist, and didn’t want people to worship or praise gods and goddesses.
People decided the gods by what there description was, or by what they did. Most of the gods were represented either by force of nature or weather. That’s how they got decided what they were or who they were or what they’re names were.
The people in ancient china would sacrifies blood, animals, and humans, just to honor their gods. The people thought they would be protected by the gods. They thought they would be loved and respected.

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