Entering into the eighteenth century there became many spiritual differences with the rise of Deism. This thought of Deism contrasted largely with the Puritans position of God. The celebrated and well-known realist, Benjamin Franklin, began this journey of Deism. At this point most everyone from the settlements was still strong in their Puritan beliefs. This new proposal by Franklin that God did no interact with human nature shocked many of the durable Puritans. He believed in this thought known as the clocksmith theory. He did non believe in an synergistic God that communicated with human nature, but instead a custodies off God who had no relation with worlds. This was the footing of his beliefs which brought into inquiry the Puritan ‘s manner of life. Benjamin Franklin ‘s journey through life of being raised a Puritan, so doubting his beliefs, began to contrast greatly with the earlier beliefs of Puritans that are displayed through the Hagiographas of Michael Wigglesworth, John Dane, and Mary Rowlandson.

Benjamin Franklin was an exceptionally talented male child whose analytical head brought his parent ‘s spiritual beliefs into inquiry. These uncertainties began at the immature age of 15 when he began reading controversial books that triggered his confusion. Due to his broadening mentality he began to make the thought in his caput that there was a God who created the full existence, but that same God did non hold interaction with human nature. This thought contradicted many of his household ‘s Puritan beliefs such as godly intercession and predestination. Franklin began to doubt these values because he did non believe that it was likely that God would interact with human nature. He doubted well-known Puritan writers such as Wigglesworth and Dane who both had extremist Puritan thoughts of Godhead intercession and predestination. Wigglesworth in specific was a adult male of strong Puritan beliefs. He wrote of his sentiments in his best merchandising work, “ The Day of Doom. ” In this piece of literature Wigglesworth described how God determines who goes to heaven who is “ doomed ” to hell. He explained that all babes who die at birth or earlier will non travel to heaven, and those that will fall in them are the mentally retarded and the pagans, who are to him, the Indians. He believed that God predestined these people to be wicked and hence does non see this damnation as unfair. Franklin on the other manus, had problem believing that there was a God who would destine his creative activity to hell. At his immature age, Franklin did non recognize the impact that his new positions would ensue in.

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Franklin introduced the thought of the clocksmith theory which explained his new beliefs really good. This was the thought that God was like a clocksmith. God creates the existence, like the clocksmith makes the clock, and winds it up so to talk. But once it is completed, the clocksmith no longer has any interaction with the clock, merely as God has no farther interaction with human nature. Franklin ‘s thoughts about himself were besides altered by this mentality. Rather than believing in redemption through God, Franklin found it more of import to accomplish moral flawlessness within himself. He did non endeavor for this unapproachable God like all of the Puritans, but instead battled for confidence and flawlessness. Franklin portrayed this belief through his diary and day-to-day agenda. Franklin explains this by stating, “ It was about clip I conceiv ‘d the bold and backbreaking undertaking of geting at moral flawlessness. I wish ‘d to populate without perpetrating any mistake at any clip ; I would suppress all that either natural disposition, usage, or company might take me into ( Franklin 32 ) . ” These words portray a sense of devotedness on Franklin ‘s portion. Not a devotedness to a God, but instead a devotedness to himself. He goes even farther to demo his committedness by making a list of virtuousnesss. This list consisted of 13 virtuousnesss he considered “ necessary and desirable ” ( Franklin 32 ) , including moderation, order, earnestness, repose. Although these virtuousnesss might hold been of import to the Puritans, they did non see them as more of import than God. Franklin saw these virtuousnesss as more of import than any God that the Puritans worshipped or any redemption that they strived for.

The well-known Puritan author, John Dane, expressed his positions of God through “ A Declaration of Remarkable Providence in the Course of My Life. ” These positions are rather different than Franklin ‘s clocksmith theory. Dane believed that his God is a God of godly intercession. This means that God is actively and closely involved in human nature. Dane viewed godly intercession as a manner in which God uses marks, in his instance a WASP sting, in order to acquire one ‘s attending if they have done something that does non delight God. He was invariably looking for a mark from God, whether a mark of his favour or a mark of his penalty. Therefore, Dane was continually endeavoring to delight God in order to be in God ‘s favour. Mary Rowlandson, another Puritan author, besides had contrasting positions with Franklin refering God. She excessively believed in Godhead intercession which she displayed in her extract titled “ A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. ” In this authorship she explained her apparently unfortunate events of being raided by Indians, but she subsequently came to recognize that God placed this test in her life as a trial. She explained this by stating, “ I had frequently before this said that if the Indians should come, I should take instead to be killed by them than taken alive. But when it came to the test my head changed ; their glittering arms so bothered my spirit that I chose instead to travel along with those famished animals… ( Rowlandson 15 ) . ” Rowlandson exemplified the Puritan thought of God ‘s Godhead intercession by utilizing the Bible as a usher for her life. Rowlandson relied on the Bible in all fortunes by opening up the Bible and reading a poetry that she connected to her life. She did this even if the poetry was non in context with her life. It is used as God ‘s Godhead intercession which she believed was invariably go oning in her life. These are the positions that Franklin strayed from at such a immature age. Not merely did he roll from them, but he really openly mocked these Puritan beliefs.

Franklin rejected these thoughts in his authorship, “ A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. ” He battled Puritanism by saying, “ And hence every Animal must be every bit esteem ‘d by the Creator ( Franklin 27 ) . ” This means that if God created everyone on Earth every bit, so there would be no ground for predestination. There would non be a demand for God to pick and take who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, because everyone on Earth is equal in God ‘s eyes. Franklin continues his battle against Puritanism in his thesis by stating, “ If He is almighty, there can be nil either bing or moving in the Universe against or without his Consent ; and what He consents to must be good, because He is good ; hence Evil does non be ( Franklin 26 ) . ” In this section, Franklin rejects the thought of God ‘s Godhead intercession which is so conspicuously displayed by the Puritans, Dane and Rowlandson. If there is a God who is almighty and all-good, so there is no manner evil could be. If evil did non be, so there would be no ground for God ‘s godly intercession on his people. With this simple statements, Franklin places an full belief system under inquiry. This clocksmith theory that he has created puts human ground over God ‘s interaction.

Not merely are all of these beliefs an issue of moralss and faith, but besides an issue of logic and morality. Franklin ‘s transmutation from Puritanism to this new thought of Deism changed the tract of faith for coevalss to come. Franklin ‘s Deism contrasted significantly with the Puritan beliefs of Wigglesworth, Dane, and Rowlandson who purely believed in redemption, predestination, and godly intercession. Franklin confronted the Puritan beliefs in his autobiography by explicating that there was no God who interacted with human nature. Rather, God gave adult male ground in order to cover with the battles in life. Franklin was non at all concerned with the same issues the Puritans believed were of import. He strived for moral flawlessness within himself and ever desired to larn more by reading. The Puritan ‘s chief concern for their lives was redemption. They were invariably looking for marks from God demoing His favour. Due to Franklin ‘s transition of faiths these contrasting ways of life created a new type of spiritual tenseness in the eighteenth century that had ne’er been seen before.

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