The position of adult females in modern India is a kind of a paradox. If on one manus she is at the extremum of ladder of success. on the other manus she is wordlessly enduring the force afflicted on her by her ain household members. As compared with past adult females in modern times have achieved a batch but in world they have to still go a long manner. Womans have left the secured sphere of their place and are now in the battleground of life. to the full armored with their endowment. They had proven themselves. But in India they are yet to acquire their dues. The sex ratio of India shows that the Indian society is still prejudiced against female. There are 917 females per 1000 males in India harmonizing to the nose count of 2011. which is much below the universe norm of 990 females.

There are many jobs which adult females in India have to travel through daily. some of which are:

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On of the major causes of mal nutrition among Indian adult females is gender inequality. In many parts of India. particularly rural India. adult females are the 1s who eat last and least in the whole household. This means they eat whatever is left after the work forces common people are satiated. As a consequence most of the times their nutrient consumption does non incorporate the nutritionary value required in keeping the healthy organic structure. In small towns. sometimes adult females do non acquire to eat a whole repast due to poorness.

The UNICEF study of 1996 clearly states that the adult females of South Asia are non given proper attention. which consequences in higher degree of malnutrition among the adult females of South Asia than anyplace else in the universe. This nutritionary lack has two major effects for adult females foremost they become anaemic and 2nd they ne’er achieve their full growing. which leads to an ageless rhythm of underbrush as malnourished adult females can non give birth to healthy kids.

•Poor Health

Malnutrition consequences in hapless wellness of adult females. The adult females of India are prejudiced from birth itself. They are non breastfed for long. In the privation of a boy get pregnant every bit shortly as possible which decreases the lovingness period to the miss kid. whereas male members get equal attention and nutrition. Womans are non given the right to liberate motion that means that they can non travel anyplace on their ain if they want and they have to take the permission of male member of household or have to take them along. This means that adult females miss sing physicians even when they should. which adds to their hapless wellness.

•Maternal Mortality

The maternal mortality rate in India is among highest in the universe. As females are non given proper attending. which consequences in the malnutrition and so they are married at an early age which leads to gestations at younger age when the organic structure is non ready to bear the load of a kid. All this consequences in complications. which may take to gynaecological jobs. which may go serious with clip and may finally. lead to decease.

•Lack of instruction

In India women’s instruction ne’er got its due portion of attending. From mediaeval India adult females were debarred from the educational field. Harmonizing to mediaeval perceptual experience adult females necessitate merely household instruction and this perceptual experience of medieval India still persists in small towns of India even today. Girls are supposed to carry through domestic responsibilities and instruction becomes secondary for them whereas it is considered to be of import for male childs. Although scenario in urban countries has changed a batch and adult females are choosing for higher instruction but bulk of Indian population shacking in small towns still live in mediaeval times. The people of small towns consider misss to be curse and they do non desire to blow money and clip on them as they think that adult females should be wedded off every bit shortly as possible.

The chief ground for non directing misss to school is the hapless economic status. Another ground is far off location of schools. In Indian society virginity and pureness is given extreme importance during matrimony and people are afraid to direct their miss kid to far off schools were male teacher teach them along with male childs.

The deficiency of instruction is the root cause for many other jobs. An uneducated female parent can non look after her kids decently and she is non cognizant of the deathly diseases and their remedy. which leads to the hapless wellness of the kids. An uneducated individual does non cognize about hygiene this deficiency of cognition of hygiene may take to hapless wellness of the whole household.


In India force against adult females is a common immorality. Not merely in distant parts but even in metropoliss adult females bear the brunt. They are subjected to physical and mental force. They are the 1 who work most but are non given their due. Every hr a adult female is raped in India and every 93 proceedingss a adult female is burned to decease due to dowry job. There are many Torahs such as The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. The Hindu Succession Act of 1956. The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act of 1856. The Hindu Women Right to Property Act of 1937. The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961. to protect adult females and penalty is terrible but the strong belief rate of offense against adult females is really low in India.


Indian adult females work more than work forces of India but their work is barely recognized as they chiefly do unskilled work. Their family jobs is ne’er counted as a work. if a adult female is working in a field to assist her hubby it will besides be non counted as a work. A survey conducted by Mies in 1986 provinces that in Andhra Pradesh a adult female works around 15 hours a twenty-four hours during the agricultural season whereas a male on an mean plant for around 7-8 hours.

•Lack of power

In India a big per centum of adult females do non hold power. They can non take determinations independently non even related to their ain life. They have to take permission of male members for each and every issue. They don’t have any say in of import family affairs and non in affair of their ain matrimony.


The household chiefly fixes the matrimonies in India. The scenario in small towns is really bad. The miss is non consulted but is told to get married a groom whom her household has chosen for him. They are taught to stay by the caprices and illusions of their hubbies. Traveling against the wants of hubby is considered to be a wickedness. In matrimony hubby ever has the upper manus. The groom and his parents show as if they are compeling the miss by get marrieding her and in return they demand brawny dowery.


Another serious issue in modern India. Courts are flooded with instances related to decease due to dowry torment by hubby and in Torahs. In ancient times adult females were given ‘Stridhan’ when they departed from the house of their parents. This sum of money was given to her as a gift which she can utilize on her and her kids but her in-laws did non hold any right on that sum. This sum was supposed to assist the miss in clip of demand. Slowly this tradition became obligatory and took the signifier of dowery.

Nowadays parents have to give brawny sum in dowery. the in Torahs of their misss are non concerned whether they can afford it or non. If a miss brings big sum of dowery she is given regard and is treated good in her new place and if she does non convey dowry harmonizing to outlooks of her in Torahs so she has to endure torment. Due to this evil pattern many freshly wed adult females of India have to lose their lives.

•Female infanticide/foeticide

As adult females were supposed to be and in some countries of India are still considered to be curse by some strata of society their birth was taken as a load. So in past times they were killed every bit shortly as they were born. In some of the Rajput kins of Rajasthan freshly born girl kids was dropped in a big bowl of milk and were killed. Today with the aid of engineering the sex of the unborn babe is determined and if it is a miss kid so it is aborted. In all this process adult females do non hold any say they have to make harmonizing to the want of their hubbies even if she does non desire an abortion. she has no pick.


The divorce rate in India is non so high compared to western states but that does non intend that matrimonies are more successful here. The ground behind low degree of divorce rate is that it is looked down by the society. It is regarded as the mark of failure of matrimony. particularly of adult females. She is treated as if she has committed some offense by disassociating her hubby. In some communities like Muslims adult females did non hold the right to disassociate their hubby they were divorced at merely the dictum of “I divorce you” by their hubby thrice and they could non make anything except to be the deaf-and-dumb person witness. Recently Muslim Law Board has given right of divorce to adult females. After divorce adult females is entitled to acquire her “Mehr” for herself and her children’s nutriment. In Hindu society adult females get care for themselves and their kids after divorce.

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