
Students in Biology find it hard to understand the construct of tonus and osmolarity in a existent clip state of affairs. In this probe. several concentrations of saccharose were used to find the osmolarity of a murphy. It was found that the concentration of saccharose was close to 3. 6 in the murphy used demoing that it was isosmotic. Anything above caused the murphy to derive weight demoing that it was a hypotonic solution and anything below caused the murphy to lose weight demoing that it is a hypertonic solution. Teachers can utilize this experiment to assist learn pupils the construct of osmolarity and tonus in a existent clip state of affairs.

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Sucrose is a saccharide that is used for energy. Potatoes incorporate 1 % fruit sugar. glucose. and sucrose by weight [ 1 ] . That is a really little sum to how much weight it contains. Molecules are invariably traveling and be given to travel from a part of higher concentration to a part of lower concentration. Diffusion is the net motion of molecules down their concentration gradient. Diffusion can happen in gases. in liquids. or through solids. Osmosis is the procedure of H2O traveling across the membrane from an country of high concentration to low concentration. Osmosis is a particular instance of diffusion where now H2O is traveling across the membrane. [ 3 ] T

his procedure continues until both sides of the membrane are at a dynamic equilibrium province. A hypertonic solution is a solution that contains more solutes on the exterior than the interior of the cell. which causes the H2O move from a high concentration to a low concentration country. If this happens in the murphy so the murphy will lose weight because the H2O will hold left its cells. If there was a murphy cell in a hypotonic solution it will hold gained weight because it would be gaining H2O.

The H2O is traveling from outside the cell to inside the cell because of the low concentration of H2O in the cell. It has a low concentration of H2O inside the murphy cell because of the many solutes it contains. If an isosmotic solution is interacting with a cell so that means that the concentration of H2O outside and inside of the cell is equal. If the murphy cell is in this solution so it will non lose weight or addition weight because its cells are non spread outing or shriveling from the concentration of H2O because it is equal on both sides of the cell membrane [ 2 ] Shown below is graph of the consequences of another experiment similar to this 1 ( Fig 1 ) .

Figure 1. Consequence of different molar concentrations on murphy mass by other pupils [ 4 ] .

Materials and Methods

The independent variable for this experiment was the concentration of sucrose measured by its molar concentration. The dependent variable was the mass of the murphy cuboids. measured in gms. The conditions that held changeless were air force per unit area and temperature. The same type of solution which was saccharose was used and the surface country to volume ratio was the same in all murphy cuboids. We extracted the cuboids from a Yukon gold murphy and these same cuboids were used in the interventions.

The procedure included cutting up a murphy into 20 five 2 centimeter cuboids and grouping those cuboids into 5. A french-fry cutter was used to cut up these murphies into strips and placed into H2O. In the interim each beaker was filled with 40ml of sucrose solutions. Each beaker was labeled with the different molar concentrations that included 0. 2. 0. 4. 0. 6. 0. 8. and 1. 0. Once the beakers were labeled and filled with solution. the murphies were taken out of the H2O and placed on the lab bench. Using a swayer the length was measured to 2cm and cut the same length utilizing a scalpel. Those potato cuboids mass were measured in groups of 5 so placed those same 5 grouped cuboids in 5 different beakers filled with the different solutions of saccharose. Each different molar concentration represented the different interventions. Final measuring of weight was recorded after 48 hours. There were 12 repeats of each intervention.


The murphy cuboids placed into the sucrose solution of 0. 2 and 0. 4 shows an mean positive per centum alteration in mass indicating that they gained weight. This shows that the solution was hypotonic. On the other manus. the murphy cuboids placed into the sucrose solutions of 0. 6. 0. 8 and 1. 0 show an mean negative alteration in per centum mass bespeaking that they lost weight. This shows that they were in a hypertonic solution. Between the molar concentrations of 0. 2 and 0. 4. the per centum mass alteration was zero bespeaking the solution at that point was isosmotic. The ten intercept of the graph is 0. 36 which is the point where the solution was isosmotic ( Fig. 2 ) .

Figure 2. Consequence of different molar concentrations of sucrose solutions on mass of a murphy.


The murphy cuboids placed into the sucrose solution with the molar concentrations of 0. 2 and 0. 4 gained weight demoing that this is a hypotonic solution because a hypotonic solution is a solution that contains more solutes on the exterior than the interior which causes the H2O to travel from outside the cell to inside the cell due to the low concentration of H2O in the cell. Therefore the murphy gained weight because it was deriving H2O. The murphy cuboids placed into the sucrose solution with the molar concentrations of 0. 6. 0. 8 and 1. 0 lost weight demoing that this is a hypertonic solution because it has a high concentration of H2O inside the murphy cell due to the many solutes it contains.

This causes the H2O move from a high concentration to a low concentration country. This happened in the murphy because the H2O left its cells doing it to lose weight. When the mean percent mass is 0. the concentration is 0. 36 demoing that this is isosmotic because an isosmotic solution is when the cell is interacting which means that the concentration of H2O outside and inside of the cell is equal. This shows that the murphy in this solution so will non lose weight or addition weight because its cells are non spread outing or shriveling from the concentration of H2O because it is equal on both sides of the cell membrane. Therefore when the per centum mass alteration is at the value of 0 so the cell hasn’t gained or lost weight.

The consequences of the probe are consistent with the consequences shown in the background overall. For case both informations additions weight from the molar concentration of 0. 2 to 0. 3 and both lose weight between 0. 4 and 0. 6. The concentration when both murphies are isosmotic are different but at close scope. The probe shows the murphy being isosmotic at 0. 36 while the other probe shows the murphy being isosmotic at 0. 29. The concentration at which potatoes seems to be isosmotic prevarications between 0. 3 and 0. 4 looking at the information in both findings. The concentration at which murphies are hypotonic prevarications between 0. 2 and 0. 3 and the concentration at which murphies are hypertonic prevarications between 0. 4 and 0. 6 looking at the information in both findings [ 4 ] .

A failing in design was in the mode informations was collected. The failing was that multiple individuals collected the information hence merely the test that individual was working on did the individual know about what happened and if any issues came up which affected the informations. When the information was combined between group 1 and group 2 there was a drastic alteration in the values which is unaccountable because group 1 and group 2 collected informations individually. Even in the groups the information was collected individually.

Further research might include researching other workss or even other types of eucaryotes sing their osmolarity. Different workss or eucaryote can hold different osmolarity but it will be interesting to demo the form in other existent clip state of affairss.


The hypothesis was supported by the consequences. When the murphy was in a hypotonic solution it gained weight while when it was in a hypertonic solution it lost weight to equilibrate out the solute concentration. As for when it was isosmotic. it gained no weight. Further research sing other workss and other Eukaryotes can be used to the form continue in existent clip state of affairs. This is helpful towards understanding the relationship between tonus and osmolarity.

1-Bruso. Jessica. “The Natural Sugar Concentration in Potatoes. ” SFGate. Hearst Communications. n. d. Web. 23 Oct. 2014.
. 2-Kosinski. Robert. “Osmosis and the Water Potential of Potato Tissue. ” Oct. 2014. MS. 3-Holtzclaw. Theresa Knapp. “Diffusion and Osmosis. ” The Biology Place. Pearson. n. d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. .

4-Education. Clayton. “The Effect of Osmosis on Potatoes. ” 19 Sept. 2011. Raw information.

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