Throughout history people with developmental disablements were treated as faulty or slightly less than homo. They were placed in establishments and frequently forgotten. drugged or tortured merely because they were misunderstood. Jean-Marc Itard began working with people in France in the early 18 100s in a first effort to develop developmentally handicapped people. He subsequently moved to the United States and continued his surveies and pattern. The first refuge to handle people with disablements was opened in 1851. ( History 6 ) The intent of the refuge was to protect the people from the abrasiveness of society and to educate the people with disablements.

The beginning of the 1900’s consisted of a alteration to an effort to protect society from the handicapped people by seting them all in establishments. In the first half of the 19 hundreds the figure of establishments and the figure of people in them grew significantly. The general populace treated handicapped people as perverts and people that should non be allowed to populate among other people ( Minnesota. portion D ) . In 1924 a jurisprudence was passed that allowed sterilisation of people deemed as “feebleminded” . This population included epileptics and alkies ( Longmore 1 ) .

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By go throughing this jurisprudence. the state demonstrated it was non yet ready to to the full accept people with developmental disablements. Between 1925 and 1950. people began to recognize once more that the developmentally disabled were harmless to society and were best if they were trained. This did non maintain people from puting their handicapped kids in establishments or maintain physicians from urging that parents place their kids in establishments. Once a kid was diagnosed with a disablement. the kid was frequently placed in an already over crowded establishment where he was basically forgotten.

Towards the terminal of the 1950’s and early 1960’s the positions towards handicapped people changed once more. When John Kennedy became president he and his sister chose to pass clip assisting people with disablements live more productive lives ( National 1 ) . During this clip the tendency began to alter to esteeming them and maintaining people at place if possible. From that clip. research has bit by bit increased to analyze the causes of developmental disablements to greatly cut down the figure of people born with them and when possible cut down the badness of the effects. Because of this the figure of annual instances of people born with terrible disablements has been greatly reduced.

From the ulterior half of the 19 100s to the present. the tendency has moved towards promoting people to maintain their handicapped kids at place when possible and to educate the kids along with mean kids. This method helps mean kids be more respectful of kids with disablements and helps the kids with disablements develop accomplishments more rapidly.

For many old ages people with disablements were treated as less than human and frequently became the topics of going shows carnival attractive forces. When non in shows. they were kept in establishments. where people could feign they did non be. Fortunately in the last 50 old ages. the public no longer frights disablement and are non merely more accepting. but willing to help them. Society has come a long manner towards accepting those who are different. but advancement continues and needs to go on to be made.

Plants Cited:

“A Short History of intervention for Peoples with Mental Retardation” . 11 February 2008

& lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ahrcnyc. org/pdf/chapter1_history. PDF & gt ;

Longmore. Paul. “Disability History Timeline” 2002.Rehabilitation Research and

Training Center on Independent Living Management. 11 February 2008

& lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //isc. temple. edu/neighbor/ds/disabilityrightstimeline. htm & gt ;

National Institute of Child Health and Development. 8 September 2007.

11 February 2008 & lt ; Establishment and history & gt ;

“Parallels in Time” 2007.Minnesota’s Governor’s Council.

11 February 2008 & lt ; Parallels In Time: A History of Developmental Disabilities

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