This short treatise is set to analyze the wake of the Prophet ‘s decease and the issue of leading. The importance of this subject can non be understated as this event was the first cleft in the great split between Sunnis & A ; Shiites. At the bosom of these differences is the issue of sequence & A ; leading. The first inquiry is who should take the state and what position and power should such a leader hold? Was he to be chosen by the community or to take power by some procedure of familial sequence within the Prophet ‘s kin?[ 1 ]This essay aims to concentrate on the historical facets, whilst avoiding the theological which are beyond the range of this work.

Shi’ites believe that the Prophet explicitly appointed a replacement and that replacement was Ali. They will indicate to the event of Ghadir Khum as the juncture on which the Prophet made the proclamation. Ghadir Khum took topographic point on the 18th Dhul Hijjah 10AH ( 10 March 632 ) on the return from the Farewell Pilgrimage. The Prophet gathered the people together and so gave a discourse in which he declared “ He of whom I am the mawla[ 2 ]of him Ali is besides the mawla. O God, be the friend of him who is his friend, and be the enemy of him who his is enemy ” .[ 3 ]

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The counter statement to this is why did n’t the Prophet make this proclamation 9 yearss before when he gave the Farewell Sermon on the twenty-four hours of Arafat? Surely it would hold been the perfect juncture and would hold reached a larger audience before the Muslims had dispersed back to their ain metropoliss upon completion of the Hajj. Besides the use of the word ‘mawla ‘ has different significances in the Arabic linguistic communication. The Sunnis have interpreted it to intend friend. If the Prophet intended to declare Ali as his replacement, the inquiry arises, why did n’t the Prophet usage a word with clear leading intensions such as Imam, Amir or Caliph?

The reply to the above point is that the Prophet stopped en path to Medina and gathered all the folk together simply to declare friendly relationship with Ali is pathetic as it is good known that he is friends with Ali. The word mawla on this juncture meant maestro. This can be derived from the context in which it is used. The Prophet foremost asked his followings whether he was superior in authorization and individual ( awla ) to the trusters.[ 4 ]

The response to this is the Prophet was simply supporting Ali from slander and indefensible unfavorable judgment about his public presentation in Yemen from where he went directly to Mecca to execute the Hajj with the Prophet.[ 5 ]

The answer to this is the fact that Omar congratulated Ali for going his maestro and the maestro of all believing work forces and adult females.[ 6 ]Why would Omar compliment Ali if the Prophet was merely supporting Ali from slander? Omar congratulated Ali due to his achieving the place of Caliph.

Even if the statement is accepted that the Prophet explicitly appointed Ali as his replacement at Ghadir Khum, the inquiry arises, merely 3 months subsequently, on the twenty-four hours of the Prophet ‘s decease, why did the Helpers ( Ansar ) gather together at Saqeefah to elect a leader? If a leader had been appointed, there would be no demand for such a assemblage to take topographic point.

The rebuttal to this is that it was a secret meeting to which the Immigrants ( Muhajiroon ) were excluded. This was nil less than an effort to usurp power by the Helpers. Rizvi makes an first-class point the Prophet ‘s mosque was the central office of the Muslims. All major determinations were taken at the Prophet ‘s mosque runing from legal instances to declarations of war every bit good as the Prophet ‘s discourses. Yet this meeting occurred at Saqeefah situated three stat mis outside Medina.[ 7 ]

This may good hold been the instance that the Helpers conspired to derive power although this was at the disbursal of the Immigrants as a whole instead than Ali specifically. The above statement can be negated by the fact that one time Abu Bakr & A ; Omar were informed of the proceedings taking topographic point and they rushed over to Saqeefah, they did non advert Ali ‘s leading nor reminded the Helpers of the twenty-four hours of Ghadir Khum. There was no case in point, or illustration to follow.[ 8 ]Assorted statements were put frontward, solutions presented but no understanding could be reached. The election of Abu Bakr as Caliph was non premeditated. Omar acted spontaneously in the goad of the minute. Omar, the really same adult male who congratulated Ali on the twenty-four hours of Ghadir Khum now became the first to plight his commitment in favor of Abu Bakr. Everybody followed suit and the difference was settled. The point has to be stressed here at the mass failure of the Companions to remember such a momentous juncture as Ghadir Khum which should hold been fresh in the memory as it merely occurred 3 months antecedently.

This leads on to the genuineness of Ghadir Khum. It seems the Companions had no remembrance of Ghadir Khum nor any cognition a replacement had been chosen by the Prophet. This raises the possibility that Ghadir Khum did non truly occur and is a ulterior Shiite fiction. Bilal Phillips holds this position.[ 9 ]If it did happen, so it shows that none idea of it as a binding assignment by the Prophet. Possibly the diction of the address has been interpolated and the address given in favor of Ali was a batch milder.

The reply to this would be that Abu Bakr & A ; Omar along with Abu Ubaydah had besides planned a putsch and usurped the Caliphate every bit good as the rights of Ali.

Abu Bakr would ne’er be involved in such a confederacy for he himself said “ I swear by God, I ne’er wished to be Caliph. I ne’er even thought about it, nor desired it either in secret or openly. ”[ 10 ]He was determined to follow in the footfalls of the Prophet. The last direction of the Prophet was to direct the ground forces of Osama. Abu Bakr ‘s first determination as Caliph was to direct the ground forces of Osama even though Medina itself was in great danger from the deserters.[ 11 ]When the soldiers asked for a alteration of bid, he replied “ Do you desire me to disregard a adult male appointed by the Messenger of God? ”[ 12 ]These statements are important in that had Ali genuinely been appointed by the Prophet, Abu Bakr would be the last to stand in his manner & A ; the first to back up him.

If Ali was prevented from transporting out an duty given to him by the Prophet there could be no rapprochement unless Abu Bakr returned the Caliphate to Ali. It goes against the nature of Ali to neglect to endeavor his uttermost in a affair if it were an Muslim duty. For if that were the instance the inquiry must be posed so why did Ali non put up any opposition?

Whilst Ali did non coerce the issue, Ali withheld the pledge of commitment for 6 months. This could be taken as a mark of inactive opposition. What possible motivation could Ali hold for declining the pledge of commitment for that length of clip? Upon rapprochement with Abu Bakr, after the decease of Fatimah married woman of Ali and girl of the Prophet, Ali gives his logical thinking as non being consulted in the inquiry of regulation and that he considered he had some right in it because of close affinity with the Prophet.[ 13 ]Ali does non advert Ghadir Khum or that the Prophet had chosen him as his replacement. Ali ab initio thought his affinity with the Prophet as the ground why he thought he had some right in it and his being upset was due to non being consulted in this matter. If Ali was designated by the Prophet for him to so give on this affair and accept Abu Bakr as Caliph would, at the really minimal, be sheer noncompliance on the portion of Ali.

What is incontestable is that Ali gave the pledge of commitment to Abu Bakr finally. In add-on to this he pledged commitment to Omar and Othman every bit good.[ 14 ]He besides married Abu Bakr ‘s widow and raised his youngest boy[ 15 ]in his ain family. When Omar made the historic journey to personally have the keys to the metropolis of Jerusalem, he appointed Ali as his deputy in Medina.[ 16 ]This clearly emphasises the first-class relationship between Omar and Ali. However Shiites even view this in a negative visible radiation. Jafri remarks “ Ali entirely was absent from the historic resignation of Jerusalem and Syria. ”[ 17 ]If Ali had accompanied Omar so the statement would be Omar did non swear Ali and took him simply to maintain a close oculus on him. It seems Jafri is seting a spin on events which are undeniable and clearly belie his point of view. If it were the instance that Ali ‘s rights had been usurped, this would hold been the ideal chance for Ali to take a rebellion or putsch while Omar and the senior Companions were absent from Medina. Furthermore, Omar besides married Ali ‘s girl, Umm Kulthum, in the twelvemonth 639, this blessed matrimony produced two kids.[ 18 ]The event is in itself strongly rebuting any animus between Omar and Ali. Mohammed Bin Al Hanafiyyah one time asked his male parent, Ali, as to who was the best after the Prophet to which he replied Abu Bakr so Omar.[ 19 ]Ibn Abbas narrated that upon the decease of Omar, the people gathered in his place and a adult male standing behind him invoked Allah ‘s Mercy upon Omar and was reminiscing about the yearss when Omar used to attach to the Prophet and Abu Bakr often and hoped that Allah would reunite him with his two comrades. Ibn Abbas turned around to happen that the talker was no other than Ali.[ 20 ]

A clear illustration of expressed appellation is when Abu Bakr appointed Omar as his replacement. This is 100 % clear cut consentaneous agreed upon by all with no room for any uncertainty or difference whatsoever. This farther illustrates that the Prophet made no expressed assignment otherwise it would besides be agreed upon nem con in the annals of history.

Now we turn our attending to inexplicit appellation. Three campaigners stand out for their workss, virtuousnesss, virtues and accomplishments in Islam: Abu Bakr, Omar and Ali. For intents of brevity, Omar ‘s campaigning will non be examined in this short treatise.

Abu Bakr was the first grownup male to accept Islam. He received the rubric the Truthful ( As Siddiq ) for being the first to corroborate the world of the Prophet ‘s Night Journey and Ascent.[ 21 ]He accompanied the Prophet during the Migration to which there is a direct mention in the Quran depicting him as the second of the two ( 9:40 ) . He led the supplications during the Prophet ‘s unwellness. This is of utmost significance due to the fact that the Prophet ever undertook this undertaking whenever possible. Kennedy writes that in many ways Abu Bakr is the ideal pick.[ 22 ]He was appointed as Amir Al Hajj in 9AH. Ali was sent with the disclosure of Chapter Repentance. When Ali was asked whether he was at that place to command or to convey orders he said simply to convey a new Revelation.[ 23 ]Therefore Abu Bakr remained the Amir Al Hajj.

Ali recorded as the first male to accept Islam. At the Feast of Banu Hashim[ 24 ]the Prophet asked “ Who will be my assistant? ” Ali said “ I will be your Helper ” . The Prophet declared spiritual brotherhood with Ali after migration to Medina. Ali was the standard carrier at the Battles of Badr and Khaybar. The Prophet selected Ali as deputy of Medina during the expedition to Tabuk in 9AH. It was besides on this juncture when the Prophet announced “ Are you non content, Ali, to stand to me as Aaron to Moses except that there will be no Prophet after me? ”[ 25 ]

Sunnis do non challenge the above virtues and virtuousnesss of Ali yet there is non one univocal unambiguous clear cut statement which mentions Ali as replacement. The aforesaid virtues and virtuousnesss build a instance for Ali but Abu Bakr besides has a instance and so has Omar who has non been discussed. The early Muslim Community chose Abu Bakr. Madelung provinces Ali could non hold been a serious campaigner because of his young person and deficiency of experience as compared to Companions such as Abu Bakr and Omar.[ 26 ]

Prophets can non name entirely based on affinity & A ; household ties, this would be nepotism. A determination of this nature, certainly the Prophet was waiting for Revelation, a Revelation which ne’er came.[ 27 ]The Prophet ever used to name deputies when off from Medina. An illustration of this would be the abovementioned expedition to Tabuk when he left Ali as his deputy. The Prophet appointed commanding officers over the ground forces when non taking an expedition personally. An illustration of this would be in the instance of the Battle of Mutah.[ 28 ]So how is it on this juncture he forgets? The lone sensible reply is that it was a calculated skip.

Shi’ites will later indicate to the Calamity of Thursday. This refers to an event four yearss before the Prophet ‘s decease when he asked for a pen and paper to compose something. Omar said the Prophet is earnestly ill the Quran is adequate for us. An statement broke out. Some Companions said bring it, while others said non to convey it with the Prophet so inquiring all to go forth.[ 29 ]Shi’ites province that the Prophet was to compose Ali as replacement. This is pure guess. This statement can be flipped on its caput ; Sunnis can claim the Prophet was to compose Abu Baker as replacement. Furthermore it is non mentioned which side Ali took, it is wholly possible that Ali could hold supported Omar on this issue. The Prophet lived for another 4 yearss so he had further chance to acquire the will written. If it was of important importance so nil could forestall the Prophet from composing it. Why so did the Prophet fail to do proper agreements for his sequence? The Prophet was ill for some clip. He was good cognizant of his ain death as indicated at the beginning of the Farewell Sermon. Furthermore what was the demand to compose it as Ali was purportedly declared replacement at Ghadir Khum already? Whatever was to be written would decidedly non hold contradicted what he had been prophesying for the past 23 old ages! A sensible decision can be arrived at that the Prophet was simply traveling to supply some last infinitesimal advice to the Muslims similar to the Farewell Sermon.

It is evident that the Prophet did non denominate his replacement and left it upon the community to make up one’s mind between themselves. Ali being appointed by the Prophet, this is something which Ali himself seems to be wholly incognizant of every bit do the Companions. The false belief sing it was formulated by the Shiite after the decease of Ali.[ 30 ]The image produced of a battle for power between the Companions is unsustainable. “ Ali accepted the Caliphate on footings laid down by Abu Bakr and Omar without any pretension to any particular rubric based on his personal blood relationship. ”[ 31 ]

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