( 1 – 50 are deserving 1. 2 points a piece )
1. Which is non a feature of a dialogue or bargaining state of affairs?
A ) struggle between parties
B ) two or more parties involved
C ) an established set of regulations
D ) a voluntary procedure
Tocopherol ) None of the above is a feature of a dialogue.

2. Which of the followers is non an intangible factor in a dialogue?
A ) the demand to look good
B ) concluding agreed monetary value on a contract
C ) the desire to book more concern
D ) fright of puting a case in point
Tocopherol ) All of the above are intangible factors.

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3. Interdependent parties’ relationships are characterized by
A ) engagement ends.
B ) lone determination devising.
C ) established processs.
D ) stiff constructions.
Tocopherol ) Interdependent relationships are characterized by all of the above.

4. Satisfaction with a dialogue is determined by
A ) the procedure through which an understanding is reached and the dollar value of grants made by each party.
B ) the existent result obtained by the dialogue as compared to the initial bargaining places of the negotiants.
C ) the procedure through which an understanding is reached and by the existent result obtained by the dialogue.
D ) the entire dollar value of grants made by each party.
Tocopherol ) Satisfaction with a dialogue is determined by none of the above.

5. Which of the undermentioned statements about struggle is true?
A ) Conflict is the consequence of touchable factors.
B ) Conflict can happen when two parties are working toward the same end and by and large want the same result.
C ) Conflict merely occurs when both parties want a really different colony.
D ) Conflict has a minimum consequence on mutualist relationships.
Tocopherol ) All of the above statements about struggle are true.

6. Which of the following contribute to conflict’s destructive image?
A ) increased communicating
B ) misperception and prejudice
C ) clear uping issues
D ) minimized differences ; magnified similarities
Tocopherol ) All of the above contribute to conflict’s destructive image.

7. In the Dual Concerns Model. the degree of concern for the individual’s ain results and the degree of concern for the other’s results are referred to as the
A ) amenability dimension and the fight dimension.
B ) the assertiveness dimension and the fight dimension.
C ) the fight dimension and the aggressiveness dimension.
D ) the amenability dimension and the assertiveness dimension.
Tocopherol ) None of the above.

8. Negotiators prosecuting the giving up scheme
A ) show small involvement or concern in whether they attain their ain results. but are rather interested in whether the other party attains his or her results.
B ) prosecute their ain result strongly and shows small concern for whether the other party obtains his or her coveted result.
C ) shows small involvement or concern in whether they attain their ain results. and does non demo much concern about whether the other party obtains his or her results.
D ) show high concern for achieving their ain results and high concern for
whether the other attains his or her results.
Tocopherol ) Negotiators prosecuting the giving up scheme demonstrate none of the above behaviours.

9. A state of affairs in which solutions exist so that both parties are seeking to happen a reciprocally acceptable solution to a complex struggle is known as which of the followers?
A ) common additions
B ) win-lose
C ) zero-sum
D ) win-win
Tocopherol ) None of the above.

10. T or F The parties prefer to negociate and seek for understanding instead than to contend openly. have one side dominate and the other capitulate. for good interrupt off contact. or take their difference to a higher authorization to decide it

11. T or F When the ends of two or more people are interconnected so that merely one can accomplish the goal—such as running a race in which there will be merely one winner—this is a competitory state of affairs. besides known as a non-zero-sum or distributive state of affairs

12. T or f Negotiators do non hold to be versatile in their comfort and usage of both major strategic attacks to be successful.

13. Distributive bargaining schemes
A ) are the most efficient negotiating schemes to utilize.
B ) are used in all mutualist relationships.
C ) are utile in keeping long term relationships.
D ) can do negotiants to disregard what the parties have in common.
Tocopherol ) None of the above describes distributive bargaining schemes.

14. The aim of both parties in distributive bargaining is to obtain as much of which of the undermentioned as possible?
A ) bargaining scope
B ) opposition point
C ) mark point
D ) bargaining mix
Tocopherol ) None of the above.

15. The opposition point is established by the ____________ expected from a peculiar result. which is in bend the merchandise of the ____________ and ____________ of an result.
A ) cost. value. worth
B ) value. worth. cost
C ) value. cost and seasonableness
D ) cost. importance. value
Tocopherol ) None of the above.

16. The more you can convert the other that you value a peculiar result outside the other’s bargaining scope. the more force per unit area you put on the other party to put by one of the following opposition points.

A ) high
B ) depression
C ) modest
D ) extreme
Tocopherol ) None of the above.

17. T or F The opposition point is the point at which a negotiant would wish to reason dialogues.

18. T or F Each party’s opposition point is openly stated at the decision of dialogues.

19. T or F The more you can make to convert the other party that his or her costs of hold or aborting dialogues will be dearly-won. the more likely he or she will be to set up a modest opposition point.

20. T or F Studies indicate that negotiants who make low or modest gap offers get higher colonies than do those who make utmost gap offers.

21. The bargaining scope is defined by
A ) the gap stance and the initial grant.
B ) the initial unit of ammunition of grants.
C ) the bargaining mix and the gap stance.
D ) the gap offer and the counteroffer.
Tocopherol ) The bargaining scope is defined by all of the above.

22. Good distributive traders will
A ) Begin dialogues with the other party with an gap offer near to their ain opposition point.
B ) guarantee that there is adequate room in the bargaining scope to do some grants.
C ) accept an offer that is presented as a fait accompli.
D ) instantly place the other party’s mark point.
Tocopherol ) All of the above are actions that good distributive traders will take.

23. What statement about grants is false?
A ) Concessions are cardinal to dialogues.
B ) Concessions is another word for accommodations in place.
C ) Concession doing exposes the grant shaper to some hazard.
D ) Reciprocating grants is a hit-or-miss procedure.
Tocopherol ) All of the above statements are true.

24. Negotiators who make menaces
A ) are perceived as more powerful than negotiants who do non utilize menaces.
B ) receive higher results than negotiants who do non utilize menaces.
C ) are perceived as more concerted in distributive dialogues.
D ) should utilize elaborate. complex statements of demands. conditions and effects.
Tocopherol ) All of the above describe negotiants who make menaces.

25. Hardball tactics are designed to
A ) be used chiefly against powerful negotiants.
B ) clarify the user’s attachment to a distributive bargaining attack.
C ) force per unit area targeted parties to make things they would non otherwise bash.
D ) eliminate hazard for the individual utilizing the maneuver.
Tocopherol ) Hardball tactics are designed to carry through all of the above.

26. The negotiator’s basic scheme is to
A ) get information about the resistance and its places.
B ) reach the concluding colony as close to the other’s opposition point as possible.
C ) convince members of the other party to alter their heads about their ability to accomplish their ain ends.
D ) advance his or her ain aims as desirable. necessary. and inevitable.
Tocopherol ) All of the above.

27. T or F Integrative understandings have been shown to be facilitated when parties exchanged information about their places on peculiar issues. but non needfully about their precedences on those issues.

28. T or F An integrative dialogue job should be defined as a solution procedure instead than as a specific end to be attained.

29. T or F In bring forthing alternate solutions to the job. groups should besides follow processs for specifying the job. specifying the involvements. and bring forthing options. nevertheless. to forestall the group procedure from devolving into a win-lose competition or a debating event.

30. T or F “Expanding the pie” as a method of bring forthing alternate solutions is a complex procedure. as it requires much more elaborate information about the other party than make other methods.

31. Which of the undermentioned procedures is cardinal to accomplishing about all integrative understandings?
A ) chairing the free flow of information to guarantee that each party’s place is accurately stated
B ) interchanging information about each party’s place on cardinal issues
C ) stressing the commonalities between the parties
D ) seeking for solutions that maximize the substantial result for both parties
Tocopherol ) All of the above procedures are cardinal to accomplishing integrative understandings.

32. In which major measure of the integrative dialogue procedure of placing and specifying the job would you likely find that if the job is complex and multifaceted the parties may non even be able to hold on a statement of the job?

A ) define the job in a manner that is reciprocally acceptable to both sides.
B ) province the job with an oculus toward practicality and fullness.
C ) province the job as a end and place the obstructions to achieving this end.
D ) depersonalising the job.
Tocopherol ) separate the job definition from the hunt for solutions.

33. Which of the undermentioned statements about involvements is true?
A ) There is merely one type of involvement in a difference.
B ) Parties are ever in understanding about the type of involvements at interest.
C ) Interests are frequently based in more profoundly frozen human needs or values.
D ) Interests do non alter during the class of an integrative dialogue.
Tocopherol ) All of the above statements about involvements are true.

34. Successful logrolling requires
A ) that the parties set up more than one issue in struggle and so hold to merchandise off among these issues so one party achieves a extremely preferable result on the first issue and the other individual achieves a extremely preferable result on the 2nd issue.

B ) no extra information about the other party than his/her involvements.
and assumes that merely enlarging the resources will work out the job.
C ) that one party is allowed to obtain his/her aims and he/she so “pays off” the other party for suiting his/her involvements.
D ) a cardinal reformulation of the job such that the parties are unwraping sufficient information to detect their involvements and demands and so contriving options that will fulfill both parties’ demands.

Tocopherol ) Successful logrolling requires all of the above.

35. When confronted with complex jobs. or a big figure of alternate options. which of the undermentioned stairss is necessary?
A ) broaden the scope of solution options
B ) evaluate solutions on the footing of quality. criterions. and acceptableness
C ) decide on standards while measuring options
D ) maintain a focal point on the influence of tangibles in choosing options
Tocopherol ) All of the above stairss should be used when confronted with complex jobs.

36. In nonspecific compensation
A ) resources are added in such a manner that both sides can accomplish their aims.
B ) one party achieves his/her aims and the other’s costs are minimized if he/she agrees to travel along.
C ) the parties are able to contrive new options that meet each sides’ needs.
D ) one individual is allowed to obtain his/her aims and “pay off” the other individual for suiting his involvements.
Tocopherol ) All of the above are related to nonspecific compensation.

37. Which guideline should be used in measuring options and making a consensus?
A ) maintain the scope of solution options every bit broad as possible
B ) evaluate the solutions on the footing of velocity and expedience
C ) maintain elaborate records throughout the treatment and rating procedure
D ) be alert to the influence of intangibles in choosing options
Tocopherol ) None of the above should be used in the rating procedure.

38. Which of the followers is non necessary for integrative dialogue to win?
A ) Each party should be as interested in the aims and jobs of the other as each is in his/her own—each must presume duty for the other’s demands and results every bit good as for his/her ain.

B ) The parties must be committed to a end that benefits both of them instead than to prosecuting merely their ain terminals.
C ) The parties must be willing to follow interpersonal manners that are more congenial than contentious. more unfastened and swearing than evasive and defensive. more flexible ( but house ) than stubborn ( but giving ) .

D ) Needs have to be made expressed. similarities have to be identified. and differences have to be recognized and accepted.
Tocopherol ) All of the above are indispensable for integrative dialogue to win.

39. Which of the undermentioned factors does non lend to the development of trust between negotiants?
A ) We are more likely to swear person we perceive as similar to us or as keeping a positive attitude toward us.
B ) We frequently mistrust people who are dependent upon us because we are in a place to assist or ache them.
C ) We are more likely to swear people who initiate concerted. swearing behaviour.
D ) We are more likely to swear negotiants who make grants.
Tocopherol ) All of the above contribute to the development of trust between negotiants.

40. What are the most critical precursors for accomplishing dialogue aims?
A ) Effective strategizing. planning and readying
B ) end puting and mark planning
C ) specifying frames and puting ends
D ) framing and strategizing
Tocopherol ) none of the above

41. Which of the followers is non a ground that dialogues fail?
A ) Allowing deficient clip for be aftering
B ) Failing to put clear aims
C ) Understanding the strengths and failings of their and the other party’s places
D ) Depending on being speedy and clever during dialogues

42. A strong involvement in accomplishing merely the relationship outcomes suggests one. if any. of the undermentioned schemes. Which one?
A ) competitory
B ) adjustment
C ) collaborative
D ) turning away
Tocopherol ) none of the above

43. Geting to cognize the other party and understanding similarities and differences represents what cardinal measure in the dialogue procedure:
A ) readying
B ) information assemblage
C ) relationship edifice
D ) information utilizing
Tocopherol ) None of the above

44. What is the dominant force for success in dialogue?
A ) a distributive vs. integrative scheme
B ) the planning that takes topographic point prior to the duologue
C ) the treatments that precede planning Sessionss
D ) the tactics selected in support of strategic ends
Tocopherol ) all of the above

45. Does any of the undermentioned represent the point at which we realistically expect to accomplish a colony?
A ) specific mark point
B ) opposition point
C ) alternative
D ) inquiring monetary value
Tocopherol ) none of the above

46. If the other party has a strong and feasible option. he/she will
A ) be dependent on accomplishing a satisfactory understanding
B ) appear aggressive and hostile in dialogues
C ) set and push for high aims
D ) have unlimited negotiating authorization
Tocopherol ) all of the above

47. Under which of the undermentioned inquiries of protocol would you happen a bargaining relationship treatment about procedural issues that should happen before the major substantial 1s have been raised?

A ) What docket should we follow?
B ) Where should we negociate?
C ) What is the clip period of the dialogue?
D ) What might be done if dialogue fails?
Tocopherol ) How will we maintain path of what is agreed to?

48. T or F If what we want exceeds what the other party is capable of or willing to give. we must either alter our ends or stop the dialogue.

49. T or F If both substance and relationship results are of import. the negotiant should prosecute a competitory scheme.

50. T or F Alternatives are really of import in both distributive and integrative procedures because they define whether the current result is better than any other possibility.

( 51 – 54 are deserving 10 points a piece )
51. Name the four degrees of struggle that are normally identified. Explain
how struggle is a possible effect of mutualist relationships.

52. What features of original offer. opening stance and opening grant would signal a place of soundness? Of flexibleness? What are the advantages of following a flexible place?

53. What tactics can be used to pass on steadfast flexibleness to an opposition? In add-on. what guidelines should be used in measuring options and making a consensus?

54. Research by Greenhalgh suggests there are seven cardinal stairss to an ideal dialogue
procedure. Which of the Greenhalgh seven stairss of dialogue do Asiatic negotiants spend a great trade of clip on? Why is this so of import?

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