Throughout the old ages, every world is told about God and his powers. Peoples tend to follow their faith and its God blindly by believing what they were told to believe. No 1 seeks to cognize the truth about God. But what is God? God is a really powerful almighty power that has eternal abilities. No 1 has seen God but still they follow He or She blindly. But what did he make to do everyone believe in something that likely ne’er existed? Christianity, for illustration, states that God created Earth and created our Universe. God in order to do people believe that he truly existed sent his boy to earth to learn people about Him. Then people started believing in God, through Jesus ‘ miracles and powers ‘ . And when Jesus talked about his Fathers ‘ powers everyone was convinced and so Christianity created, two hundred old ages ago. And still is one of the most popular faiths presents.

Peoples tend to believe that person with more power and intelligent is watching after them, in order to experience good and non to worry for anything. In add-on they follow some regulations that their God provided them with, so that they can be judged for being good or even being judged for being bad individuals. In the terminal of their lives, God evaluates them and direct them to a topographic point with perfect harmoniousness, felicity and nil to worry approximately or if they have broken Gods ‘ regulations and have ne’er helped another individual they go to a topographic point with called Hell, that pain and wretchedness.

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By accepting that you are a member of a faith you have to follow some regulations that God created and some sacred books in most instances. But is faith strictly for holding something to believe in? Is faith in anyhow associated with something else? Do people pull strings faiths in order to accomplish something? Has faith changed throughout the old ages?

Hundred old ages ago, people in order to explicate some natural effects, such as the rain or snow, they created Gods and said that by raining, Supreme beings are angry with them. Peoples needed Supreme beings in order to explicate and believe to something more powerful that can make whatever He or She wants. But as I mentioned antecedently if you select to follow a faith you will hold to obey some regulations and ne’er seek to interrupt them, or even province that God does n’t be.

The bulk of people that belong to a faith do n’t seek replies about God. They merely want to believe in something so that they can go stronger and better in their mundane life. Peoples believe that God chooses what will go on to their life, and doing people idolizing and follow God blindly will do their life better. In Christianity if people help others in their mundane life and worship and love God, they achieve a topographic point to a holy topographic point. By believing in something like this people are brainwashed in order to be good in their life without trying to make any offenses or felonies.

Making person believe that he has to be good in his life without making things that are banned and prohibited from God or his faith is, someway, similar to making a community with soldiers that willing to make everything their leader says. Peoples immediately loose their free will and go more likely, toy-soldiers willing to follow a path to their life that has nil to make with them and how they wanted their life to be. Furthermore people that believe in some faith and follow their God truly, are, someway, racists to people that believe in other faiths and other Gods. Religious wars are everyplace with people contending and deceasing for their God, that has already told them to non transgress and be good at their life ‘s. Peoples believe that their faith is the lone 1 that is true and holy and other faiths should non be.

By analyzing the fact that people under the love and trust of God can move like He or She tell them, thought that they can do money or accomplish other goods. Nowadays many people pretend to speak with God or even been a supreme and holy individual in order to victimize people and follow them. They try to do people swear them and follow them so they can take their money or even their belongingss such as their house.

Nowadays people try to happen solution for their jobs through faith. In order to happen an easy and fast solution they will seek anything and that contains spiritual scamming. Peoples pretend to be sent from God and scam people, stating them that by assisting raising money, for illustration, they will be sent to heaven. Peoples tend to believe it because they were born and taught to believe in faith without oppugning what is true or right, what is moral and what is ethic. They will non believe that person is seeking to steal their money, because they are traveling to believe that they have been chosen and they are making something good by assisting raise money for a good cause.

Some people used faith and the being of God in order to pull strings people and seek to harm other people. Some of the most common terrorist onslaughts that have happened were created and leaded by faith or cult leaders that promised to their followings ageless life, money and everything they of all time wanted. Followings tend to give their lives in order to acquire what their leaders promised them. Leaderships that have nil to make with the hereafter of what are traveling to go on to people when they die.

Furthermore some priest manipulate their power of being elected to follow and function God, in their mundane life and in order to do people donate money for some charity or even more something related to the church in order to victimize those people and steal their money.

Nowadays about cipher trusts priests and Church. Because with their power in the community they try to do people go more spiritual in order to hold more followings and do more money and goods. By pull stringsing the power and the Torahs of God, priests try to do people that they are evildoers and in order to travel to heaven they have to believe and swear them blindly and do whatever they ask them to make. When they achieve their trust they ask for money in order to do a alteration to the church, for illustration, and they steal their money and purchase goods for themselves.

But priests and church is non the lone portion of people that manipulate God and faith in general. Politicians try to accomplish more followings and ballots from people that trust God.

Politicians in their address, seek to utilize elements found in faith and Bible, largely, in order to pull faith people to follow and back up them. Making people follow them is traveling to assist them accomplish their program, be elected, or even spread that they are in favour of them and do them hold even more followings.

By taking spiritual people by your side, as a politician, you have a great advantage because they can back up and portion their ideas with other spiritual people. In fact, politicians besides abuse some spiritual regulations in order to command the multitudes. For illustration faiths province that homosexualism is a wickedness, and must be punished. By this, people ca n’t show their sexual likes but they try non to do other people understand that. Besides homosexual matrimony is non allowed. Furthermore abortion is illegal and is besides taken as a wickedness.

For illustration if a miss wants to hold an abortion for assorted grounds she will be known as evildoer because she killed person and she is traveling to hell, because self-destruction or violent death is a wickedness excessively, and have to be punished.

Possibly these are some points that some people do n’t desire to follow in a faith and do n’t desire to be a portion of a community that supports church and God. Possibly this is the ground why people do n’t back up faith presents. A On the other manus, people, hundred old ages ago were more spiritual and supported church and God without seeking the truth, because they knew that God existed because he appeared everyday in their life because they were praying and besides God, sent his boy in order to do people believe even more. But what happened throughout the yearss?

Peoples that lived when faiths started to look, they were non intelligent plenty and could believe anything. They could n’t understand what is good for them and they would move like the mass. The jurisprudence back so was truly rough and cipher could make anything with Kings. Despite the fact that they were obliged to follow a faith they would be punished non by their God but from their leader if they would n’t make anything that the faith required.

Leaderships would easy pull strings the crowd by stating them that they could speak with God and do them believe that they have been sent to stand for Him or Her. Peoples would non reason but would follow, without inquiring to cognize how or anything else. Leaderships could easy state that they are non allowed to go forth their house at midnight because God might kill them, or that they have to idolize their leader because God said so.

Peoples back so tend to believe everything they were told. Some people that argued with the leaders saying that there is no God, or God does n’t desire people to be jailed into their houses but to hold a peaceable life, those people would be arrested and executed or exiled.

Bing afraid of losing their life or even been exiled from their states, people respected and followed the regulations without inquiring and seeking. Depending on their faith people had different regulations and Torahs that they had to follow.

Rules and Torahs were meant non to be broken. Therefore people would free their life even if they stepped out of their houses in the dark. But nowadays regulations and Torahs are meant to be broken.

Nowadays, if person merely does n’t travel to church at Sunday or even do n’t pray he wo n’t hold any impact and he wo n’t travel to gaol. Today we hardly follow any of the regulations that are meant to maintain everyone safe, particularly faith regulations. To kill person is illegal and to suicide is illegal excessively.

“ The figure of self-destructions has doubled over the past 10 old ages with the figure billowing 19 per centum between 2008 and 2009, harmonizing to a authorities report.A

Now South Korea has the highest self-destruction rate in the universe, with 31 per 100,000 people stoping their ain lives, compared to 15 per 100,000 in 1999. “ ( The Korea Times ) .

That means that people do n’t truly care about faith and the mulcts that come with the duty to be a faith member. Maybe it ‘s because nowadays authorities does n’t truly care about what people truly making.

Peoples are allowed to follow the faith that they want and are free to believe whatever they want to believe. They do n’t hold any limitations on what they believe but they have to follow some regulations that are applied to everyone, no affair their faith or race.

Those regulations are the same for everyone and if their faith allows them to make something that is out to everyone, they will be punished. Those regulations are non to be broken and have to be respected from everyone.

Religion nowadays is more a tendency than a mean to sublimate your psyche. Religions have another intent than hundred old ages ago. During the base on balls of clip, people became more intelligent and they understood that they have their ain life and they have to populate, as they want to, without being obliged to faiths. Religion is non a demand today, but it ‘s independent for anyone and people choose what faith they want to follow based on their beliefs.

This essay is chiefly written in order to province how faith changed throughout the old ages and how people use faith presents in order to carry through some of their long-run marks by utilizing people ‘s free will.

From my point of position, I believe that faith throughout the old ages has changed dramatically. Religion changed non merely on how people conceive it but besides how people manipulate it. Some things remained the same, such as people that follow God and his regulations and everything He or She said. Furthermore I believe that some people still want to believe in something with more power in order to experience that they are safe and that person or something protects them and command their destiny and their life.

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