It is said divinity has been considered as the queen of all scientific disciplines, and systematic divinity as the Crown of the queen. Thiessen claims divinity itself is the scientific discipline of God, and his plants and systematic divinity are the systematizing of the findings of that scientific discipline ( 1949, 1 ) . Of class, some deny divinity is a scientific discipline. Influenced by the doctrine of pragmatism, the modern theologist, by the hypothesis belief, must ne’er travel beyond the mere puting up of working hypotheses ; it must non be regarded as something fixed or concluding.

Therefore, as one surveies divinity, he needs to near this scientific discipline as holding an unchangeable beginning. Theology reveals the Creator and the Savior of world. One can cognize God more and more as he surveies the “ beginning ” He gave to the church to analyze and cognize. Once, a well-known leader from the “ Pentecostal[ 1 ]“ cantonment told the author to bury about divinity and allow the Holy Spirit guide him. This individual has been on Television many times and influences many people. He was seeking to convert the author that disclosure and a mark, or admiration, is from God even if it contradicts the Word of God.

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Unfortunately, Theology, and its systematic survey is besides under onslaught from among those who claim the important nature of the Bible. May the Lord uncover the demand of the survey of systematic divinity to all those who claim they want to cognize God better, and who claim they are the holders of the concluding disclosure of God.


This paper is divided into three chief subdivisions. The first subdivision consists of a short essay about what the author believes is the undertaking of divinity. In it he will include a short treatment about the propositionist/narrative options. The 2nd demand for this paper is a short essay measuring the most of import positive and negative effects of the Enlightenment while analyzing divinity today. The 3rd and last subdivision consists of a conjectural reference to taking Roman Catholic magnetic theologists from the author ‘s ain cultural context. He will review from the point of view of his apprehension of Biblical revelation their prevailing attack. He will carry through this undertaking by indicating to illustrations in history to exemplify the values and dangers of their theological methods and decisions.


The noun “ divinity ” comes from two Grecian words, qe/o $ and lo/go $ . qe/o $ was used by the Greeks to mention to a God or divinity such as in Acts 14:11 ( qeoi … kate/bhsan ) . Lo/go $ in this context can intend “ word, ” ( Hernando, 2005 ) “ discourse, ” ( McClintock and Strong, 2006 ) and even “ philosophy ” ( Thiessen, 1 ) . Therefore, a simple definition of the term, divinity, may be. “ the philosophy of God. ”

Theology is a really wide subject, and for this paper ‘s intent, its focal point will be narrowed to a Christian context. By no agencies in the Christian context is theology simple, because it is non. The term would so mention to the undertaking of specifying all Christian philosophies, non merely the specific philosophy of God. It will mention to all the philosophies that deal with the relationship God maintains with the existence to prolong it. Consequently, divinity is that subdivision of Christian philosophy which focuses on the individual and work of God and his relationship to the universe and creative activity, particularly as revealed in the Scriptures.

The major undertaking of divinity is to determine positions by using them to old Godhead disclosure and to current historical fortunes ( Starner, 1999, 7 ) . This would include conveying the trust of God ‘s Word to bear on life experiences with the end to maturate the Christian ‘s apprehension of God. To do the survey of divinity less complicated is easier said than done. There are many variables involved, and this makes the undertaking of divinity really hard and controversial. One variable is the manner the Bible is read. Two possible ways of how the Bible can be read are ( 1 ) propositional, and ( 2 ) narration.

Propositional Theology

For those who are in the fundamentalist tradition, Scripture is considered as a set of propositional statements, each showing a Godhead avowal, valid ever and everyplace ( McKim, 1999, 59 ) . It ( What does it mention to? ) is closely related to the verbal inspiration of the Holy Scripture ( Hernando ) . Verbal inspiration is a term which implies that inspiration extends to the words of Scripture, and non merely thoughts. When the inquiry, “ What does this Bible Teach here? ” is asked, the premise is that the significance, or instruction, can be clearly reduced to propositional statements.

Narrative Theology

The Bible is an anthology which is characterized by dynamic literary genres. The supernatural events, narratives, historical events, wisdom expressions and revelatory literature make a complex texture made up of many and varied togss organizing the one image of heilsgeschichte. When a individual reads the Bible, he or she will recognize it is an huge aggregation of human experiences expressed with a huge array of different literary devices which tell the narration of heilsgeschichte. “ Taken as whole, the Bible tells a narrative that has a beginning, a center, and an terminal ” ( Ryken, 1992, 31 ) . It is a “ new willingness to handle scriptural texts as finished wholes alternatively of as a hodgepodge of fragments ” ( Ryken 1984, 11 ) . Therefore, narrative divinity is the sort of divinity which is based on the preposition that the Bible is a literary genere.



Positive Consequence

The scientific rules upon which Enlightenment unfavorable judgment is based depend in portion upon sing the Bible as a suited object for literary survey, instead than as an entirely sacred text ( Bray, 250 ) . Sing the Bible as literature is rather positive, for the Bible is literature ( Ryken 1992, 12 ) . Evaluation of the Scriptures to bring out grounds about historical affairs was once called, “ higher unfavorable judgment. ” This term was foremost used in respects to the Hagiographas of the German scriptural bookman, J.G. Eichhorn, who applied this method to his survey of the Pentateuch ( Bray,303-306 ) .

The term “ higher unfavorable judgment ” might look to transport either a mystical, or a sinister significance, although it is neither of these. It is, in fact, a procedure that most bookmans follow to changing grades. In order to obtain a proper apprehension of the nature of scriptural Hagiographas, it is of import to look into the character of the beginnings ( Walter, 1984 ) . This term describes the survey of Bible from the point of view of literature, in contrast to “ lower unfavorable judgment, ” which deals with the text of Scripture and its transmittal. Thus higher unfavorable judgment has three chief concerns: ( 1 ) observing the presence of underlying literary beginnings in a work ; ( 2 ) placing the literary types that make up the composing ; and ( 3 ) speculating on affairs of writing and day of the month.

The rapid development of linguistics ( the survey of linguistic communication and text in the nineteenth century ) together with archeological finds of the twentieth century, which in itself is positive, revolutionized Biblical unfavorable judgment. “ Probably the accent put on archaeology is one of the most positive facets of the Age of Reason for archaeology has helped to edify our apprehension of Bible of the cultural facets of the clip ” ( Dr. George Stotts, personal correspondence. May 10, 2010 ) . Consequently, this attack to the Bible helps today ‘s theologists to understand the socio-political-cultural context, aided by archaeology in which the Bible ‘s message was set.

Negative Consequence

As with other subjects, higher unfavorable judgment demands to be handled carefully because of the easiness with which consequences can be obtained by pure guess in the absence of external informations. Since the Reformation, scriptural survey has been littered with uncorroborated guesss, hypotheses, and theories, non infrequently based upon some construct of organic development.

This can be seen clearly in the work of 19th century broad bookmans, whose surveies were by and large missing in external controls, such as archeological grounds, that unneeded autonomies were taken with both scriptural reading and historical procedures ( Walter ) . Because these attacks went far beyond the available relevant grounds in the decisions adopted, they besides cast uncertainty upon the dependability of the method involved. The hermeneutical catastrophe of the Pentateuch, in general, and Genesis, in peculiar, can be taken as an illustration.

Other utmost attacks concluded, for illustration, the denial of miracles. Besides the denial of Biblical reading, Matthew Arnold, wrote,

The clip has come when the heads of work forces no longer set as a affair of class the Bible-miracles in a category by themselves. Now, from the minute this clip commences, from the minute that the comparative history of all miracles is a construct entertained and a survey admitted, the decision is certain, the reign of the Bible-miracles is doomed ( quoted in Grant, 115 ) .

The abuse of good attacks caused dissident decisions. Jesus became a historical figure for some and a myth for others, while the Bible was judged as a book of myths, filled with inaccuracies, and no incorporate program. Regardless of what the “ misused ” scientific method brought into faith, Jesus Christ remains the Divine Son of God, and the Bible the most sold book in the universe. It continues to alter the lives of those who approach it as the infallible, divine Word God.

An Address to Local Theologians



The reference is made to a conjectural audience of Roman Catholic Charismatic theologists ( RCCT ) at a symposium entitled “ The Current Trend of Maltese Theology and Hermeneutics in the Maltese Charismatic Movement[ 2 ]3. ” Although the paper is conjectural, it is based on historical facts. For the interest of readability, the pupil will turn to this subdivision in the first individual.

The Address

Beloved co-workers, it is my delectation to hold the chance to turn to you today on this of import topic we are discoursing. In 1959, Pope John XXII taught the church to pray for God to regenerate His admirations in our clip, “ as by a new Pentecost. ” Eight old ages subsequently, in 1967, in the chapel of Roman Catholic Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, the Catholic Charismatic motion began. Eight old ages after that, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal was launched in Malta, in May 1975. The first Catholic Charismatic Renewal ( CCR ) group was born after a talk given by Mr. Brian Smith, who was invited to Malta from Australia by Mr. Joe C. Aquilina. In merely a few old ages, the CCR spread to about all the parishes in Malta. Today, there are about 65 supplication groups and communities both in Malta and in the sister Island of Gozo. Mr. Aquilina and other title-holders who organized the CCR, such as the Capello brothers, had their first Charismatic experience with the Pentecostal Church in a series of meetings which were led by a Belgian sermonizer at the theatre in Hamrun.

These leaders, who confessed they were born once more in these meetings, were some of the early Maltese who converted to the Pentecostal Church. After larning about the Charismatic Renewal within the Catholic Church, they decided to travel back to the church and form the CCR. Today, 1000s attend the 65 groups organized on the Maltese Islands.

Without any uncertainty, many Maltese are happening a new hope in these groups. As we all know, church attending in the RCChas fallen drastically in the last old ages. These groups are keeping the church to stay important, because they are offering a new manner of congratulations and worship. The difference in the manner of worship was a major factor which attracted people, particularly immature people. Likewise, some Multitudes which are given a Charismatic “ gustatory sensation, ” have brought a breath of fresh air to the RCC Holy Eucharist. This is rather different sort of worship than the stale characteristics of the tradition of the RCC. All this is good and applaudable.

Peoples, particularly immature people, are populating better moral life styles, and have a new involvement in God, particularly, in the individual of Jesus Christ. I rejoice when I meet with such people and speak about Jesus and their relationship with Him. They talk about redemption and ageless life, and many are reading the Bible. Similarly, many accept “ Pentecostalists ” as their brothers and have no job idolizing with them. Furthermore, they follow closely the sermonizers on God Television, which is one the spiritual Television Stationss aired on our local overseas telegram suppliers.

Still, the job lies in the divinity and hermeneutics of the CCR. The CCR adopted many First and Third Wave traditions, such as the vocalizing and worship, accent on supernatural gifts, and in some instances, the sermon of the Word of God. Still, they have retained the Catholic divinity to command their religious cult. If the Holy Spirit is the One oversing the services, so, serious inquiries must be asked refering the divinity being taught in these services.

Possibly it would be good to retrieve, that the “ New Pentecost ” which Pope John XXII prayed for, was already around for 70 old ages. I do non hold the clip to speak about this historical event, but I am certainly, you are really good familiar with these facts. Therefore, my first inquiry would be, Why did Jesus pour the Holy Spirit on a little group of Holiness Christians in Kansas City, and non in the megalithic Catholic Church in Rome? I suggest the reply lies in divinity. The Methodists and Holiness churches of those yearss, like most Protestant and Evangelical Christians, worship and award merely the Triune Godhead. They portion His glorification with no 1 else. They obey the bid of Jesus to pray to the Father in His ( Jesus ) Name. They are concerned about the Word of God, as Jesus and the Apostles were. Consequently, the writer of Hebrews clearly teaches the finished work of Christ and the Superiority of His Priesthood. They believe Jesus is able to wholly salvage anyone who wants to travel to the Father though Him. After all, he did claim He is the lone manner to the Father.

Knowing all this, and I am certain you agree, the Renewal has non changed their divinity to encompass the construct that Jesus is the lone manner. It amazes me how CCR disciples pray and sing in linguas to Mary. The Bible is really clear that linguas are directed towards God and non to anyone else. I marvel how some CCR members say the prayer beads in linguas, and others go to Lourdes and worship in linguas in forepart of the statue of Mary.

I am besides perplexed that people who believe and are filled with the Holy Spirit still pray to angles, dead saints, claim Mary as co-Redemptrix with Christ and the Mediatrix in the redemption procedure. Many of the CCR members I speak with say they believe Jesus is the lone Savior, and religion in Him gives ageless life. Still, when I ask them if they pray the Salve Regina, a Maltese version of a supplication in which the one praying asks for interception during the clip of the truster ‘s decease ; they answer, “ Yes! ”

Refering the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the power Jesus gives to His Church, there is much to state. I will merely advert the issue of dispossession. There are many of you who I am directing my comments to who are exceeding bookmans and Biblicists. Some of you present were on a local Television plan being filmed during an dispossession. I ask this multi-facet inquiry, what is the demand for the rites which take topographic point during the dispossession? Why do you necessitate to utilize holy H2O, and utilize the cross for the devils to be cast out? Is non the Name of Jesus sufficient? Did non Jesus bid, in my Name you cast out devils? Is this non what St. Paul, the Father of the Maltese religion ( as Maltese Catholics claim ) , demonstrated when he cast out evil liquors? Why so, you allow the RCC to travel beyond what is taught in the Bible, and lived by the First and Third Wave Pentecostals and Charismatic motions? One of you present here, one time told me, after we were on a Television plan, that you use holy H2O to gull the Satan. I told you so, and I tell you once more, you are non gulling the Satan, but the Satan is gulling you. He is merely driven out by the usage of the lone arm available, which is the Holy Name of Jesus, being used by consecrated individuals.

The danger I see in all this is that Malta is being contaminated with spiritual synergy. The RCC want to hold all that the Bible says refering gifts of the Holy Spirit, but or non willing to go forth out those things which are non of Him. I am afraid to believe that the RCC allows the CCR so people would non go forth the Church, as I and many others have done. One of your Biblicists told me on record that if the Church teaches merely the Bible, people will go forth the church. Now, allow me inquire, whose mistake is that? Are we concerned about Numberss, or concerned about the psyches of people? You know, and some of you agree with me, that purgatory is a myth. Yet, even Maltese CCR members are puting their trust in this topographic point instead than in the complete salvaging work of Christ.

Consequently, my friends, I urge you, and the RCC, to reconsider Biblical divinity as the lone means of philosophy. It is God ‘s Word which stood the trial of 2000 old ages. The great Fathers of the church from the first three centuries, would hold with all my points. They loved the Scripture, protected the Scripture, and died for the Scripture. The great Schools of Alexandria and Antioch were started as a response to the abuse of Scripture. Let us all learn lessons from history, for if we do n’t, we will reiterate the same errors.


Christians need to cognize Christian philosophy. Jesus and His apostles were instructors and sermonizers of philosophy ( Acts 2:42 ) . The Bible bids and exhorts sermonizers, instructors and finally all Christians to learn and prophesy philosophy ( 2 Timothy 4:2 ; Titus 1:9 ) . Believers who are exhaustively indoctrinated with the Word of God will be able to be effectual Christian workers and steadfast guardians of the religion. Merely Christians who know what they believe will they be able to defy the onslaughts of unorthodoxy, and be worthy vindicators. This is the undertaking of divinity today.

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