In the seventeenth century, Europe had undergone a drastic alteration in scientific discipline, doctrine and political relations. With new inventions in scientific discipline, the universe began to demystify and doubts began to vanish as new finds were being accomplished and inquiries about the anatomy, development and world were being answered. The Scientific Revolution was an indirect cause of the growing of secularism in Western Europe during the seventeenth century. Scientists attempted to turn to issues of humanity and the existence, moreover through new finds they challenged preconceived impressions. Galileo Galilei, William Harvey and Sir Isaac Newton were among the many scientists who, through experimentation and analysis, arrived at some of the most of import scientific developments in history.

Galileo Galilei was an uranologist and a physicist, born in Pisa, Italy and studied at the University of Pisa. He accumulated mathematical and scientific grounds to back up the theories Copernicus held of a heliocentric existence, a theory which defied the Church and went against Aristotle ‘s theory of fate and a Godhead program. Galileo started executing controlled experiments such as turn overing balls down inclines and mensurating their velocities, he showed that gesture could be described mathematically ( Newman, 2002, p.72 ) . Galileo ‘s physical experimentation had liberated people from parturiency of faith and had initiated inquiring of the Church ‘s positions. His findings had influenced such philosophers as Locke, Machiavelli and Hobbes who had composed modernistic theories of worlds and authoritiess which had small to no room for faith and sentiments of the Church. Galileo had challenged three major facets of the Church ‘s beliefs, one being that there is fusion between heavenly and tellurian mechanics and that the existence is capable to alter. The 2nd being his mathematical attack to concluding which was in crisp contrast to divine disclosure as the beginning of truth and the Church as authorization of judgement. Galileo ‘s last facet that challenged the beliefs of the Church was his support of the heliocentric cosmology, basically decreasing the geocentric worldview of importance of worlds and the thought of scattered stars with no form ( Ardent, 2004 ) . By reconstructing the telescope, Galileo had since allowed people to visualise and see these scientific finds. He disproved many long-held premises made by the Catholic Church during his clip, and through his experimentations encouraged a new train of idea which in bend resulted in the beginning of secularism.

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Similar to Galileo, William Harvey had made important finds which contrasted the positions of the Church. Harvey was an English doctor who was non satisfied with godly power as an account for the workings of the human organic structure ( Newman, 2002, p.73 ) . His finds in human anatomy were one of the most important accomplishments in physiology and medical specialty in the seventeenth century, but his work had opposed the Creation Story, which led to incredulity of the Bible. Harvey had made the find that worlds and animate beings merely had a limited sum of blood by cutting unfastened the vena of an animate being and leting it to pour out ( Bhatia, 2010 ) . This was well different from the old idea of blood being a “ natural spirit ” where it flowed out to “ critical liquors ” in the bosom and “ carnal liquors ” in the encephalon ( Bhatia, 2010 ) . Harvey did non burthen himself with these theories but took it upon himself to work out the enigmas of the human organic structure, dividing fact from fiction and evading the beliefs of the Catholic Church. Distinguishing that the bosom was a pump and non a filtration works where blood merely merely base on ballss through ( Newman, 2002, p.74 ) had created a whole new manner of thought, people now cognize how the bosom worked and were get downing to doubt the idea of a Godhead program and God making worlds, which brought about ideas of development.

In 1642, Sir Isaac Newton combined the cognition of Galileo and Harvey, along with his ain, to make yet another discovery in scientific discipline which resulted in the growing of secularism. Newton accurately described the motions of objects in the solar system and how they move under the influence of cosmopolitan gravity ( Bhatia, 2010 ) . Newton had further influenced secularism by his finds in scientific discipline, his Three Laws of Motion stated:

if no force acts on an object, it will stay at remainder or keep its changeless gesture in a consecutive line

every alteration of gesture or acceleration is relative to the force that caused the alteration and reciprocally relative to the object ‘s mass

for every action force, there is no equal reaction force in the opposite way.

( Newman, 2002, p.73 ) . These Three Laws of Motion had allowed people to do sense of their actions and the actions of the objects they use on a day-to-day footing. Newton had explained things with concrete grounds, along with certain things that had merely been explained in scriptural texts which allowed more of a separation between authorities and faith. “ Science and engineering holding liberated work forces from the superstitious notions of faith, now guaranteed uninterrupted procedure. ” ( Genovese, 1997 ) . He showed that God does non do everything happen, which caused people to roll from the belief of godly power and usage scientific discipline as a manner of explicating the universe.

Newton ‘s scientific sweetening, along with the plants of Harvey on human anatomy and Galileo in uranology and the existence, had genuinely boosted the growing of secularism in the seventeenth century. Through scientific analysis, these three scientists created new ideas and theories that challenged the premises of world made by the Catholic Church. It was the beginning of a new epoch of thought, an epoch where development of world and the existence were proved with scientific grounds and non holy texts. The Scientific Revolution had significantly affected the growing of secularism in the seventeenth century and has continued to impact secularism in the twenty-first century, as people still inquiry and uncertainty God ‘s being, religion and faith.

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