Nailed to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517 on the Eve of All Saints ‘ Day ( harmonizing to Philip Melanchton, Luther ‘s co-worker in Wittenberg University ) , Martin Luther ‘s 95 theses paved the manner for the birth of a great religious motion called the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation finally signaled the terminal of the Medieval Age and the startup of modern times.

What Luther intended to be a set of propositional statements to be debated upon over the maltreatments associated with the sale of the indulgences really shortly became the key that unlocked the door towards the long-awaited reformation of the church of the late Medieval Christendom.

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The Sale of the Indulgences

The philosophy of indulgences is curious to the Roman Catholic Church, unknown to the church male parents, and most significantly, to the apostles of Christ. It is fundamentally defined as a certification of forgiveness granted by a bishop or an archbishop within his bishopric for the remittal of the temporal penalty of wickedness both on Earth and in purgatory, the alleged beginning of which was the excess of virtue and grace accumulated through the lives of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints of the Church.

What most peculiarly attracted Luther ‘s attending in this respect was the excessive sermon associated with the sale of the indulgences in Germany by a Dominican mendicant Johann Tetzel. Tetzel was commissioned by Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, to raise financess for the rebuilding of Saint Peter ‘s Basilica in Rome. “ Equally shortly as the coin in the caisson rings, ” Tetzel proclaimed, “ the psyche from purgatory springs. ”

Luther ‘s long pursuit for truth that resulted in his find of the scriptural philosophy of justification by faith entirely must hold been the ground why he indignantly reacted to such a delusory message that offered false hopes to those who bought the indulgences for themselves and their departed loved 1s on history of their ignorance of the true Gospel of Christ.

The 97 Thesiss Before the 95 Thesiss

Convinced that he must dispute the traditional positions purported by the Roman Catholic Church for centuries, he published a set of 97 theses to be debated in an academic scene among his co-workers at Wittenberg University. The theses attacked many of the major dogmas of the Church with a clear message in head: that the Gospel was wholly different from what had been normally held.

Luther expected the theses to do a splash among the participants which in bend would let him to unwrap his great find. To his letdown, they merely mustered small involvement.

Martin Luther and His 95 Thesiss

Despite such a cold response to his 97 theses, Luther composed another set of theses which he called The Debate on the Power and Efficacy of the Indulgences, now popularly known as the 95 theses. Like the 97 theses, this new set of theses was besides meant to arouse academic treatment among his co-workers in the university. They may hold been an reconsideration to a missive he sent to Albrecht through which he aired his dissension on the sale of the indulgences.

However, bookmans are divided whether the Luther of the 95 theses was still a Roman Catholic reverend at this clip or already a Protestant Reformer. On the one manus, Luther appeared to hold thought Pope Leo X was on his side in this affair. Some bookmans even suggest ( likely following the church historian Philip Schaff ) that he was non protesting against the indulgences, but merely against its maltreatment.

On the other manus, a closer expression at the papers would uncover one thing for certain: what Luther was up against was non merely the sale of the indulgences but its theological underpinnings. As Princeton theologian Benjamin Warfield puts it, “ They constitute, in point of fact, a theological papers of the first importance, working out a complete and closely knit statement against, non the maltreatments of the indulgence traffic, and non even the theory of indulgences, simply, but the whole sacerdotal construct of the salvaging procedure – an branch and incarnation of which indulgences were. ”

While there may be evident balances of Roman Catholicism in the theses, they however assert the evangelical Protestant philosophy of redemption that refuted the sacerdotal system that was mostly built on tradition alternatively of the Bible. In drumhead, the 95 theses proclaimed that indulgences can non remit guilt as such a work belongs to God entirely, that they are unable to do souls spring from the Purgatory, and that the truly penitent evildoer has already received the forgiveness of God and is justified by religion entirely.


Gonzalez, Justo. The Story of Christianity Volume 2. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1985.

Schaff, Phillip. History of the Christian Church Volume VII. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc. , 1997.

Warfield, Benjamin Breckenridge. “ The Ninety-five Thesiss in Their Theological Significance. ” The Princeton Theological Review, xv. 1917, pp. 501-529.

Copyright Edwin Vargas. Reach the writer to obtain permission for republication.

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