Ethical motives are normally defined as the survey of moral criterions and their effects on behavior of persons. Assorted bookmans including Old Testament/classical bookmans, early church bookmans and the 20th century bookmans have written a batch on moralss. Many of these bookmans have related moralss to faith, populating and the acquisition procedure. The statements of these three groups of bookmans have similarities and differences. The followers is an overview of the statements by the serious musics, the early church bookmans and the 20th century bookmans. Besides included are their influence on our apprehension and part of thoughts and besides their impact on our political and societal lives.


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Old Testament/Classical ( Job, Plato, and Aristotle )

Plato argued that the jobs which human nature experienced or had country non associated with moralss. Harmonizing to this philosopher, the jobs existed because of every organic structure perceptual experience of moralss was alone and so every organic structure had his or her ain perceptual experience of moralss. Part of these Platos allegation or statements were showcased in his fable of the cave work. In this presentation Plato talked of a certain group of people who spend about their whole life in a certain cave where they were confronting one way where they were merely watching or looking at the shadows on the wall. When one of these people was taken outside that cave, he was wholly baffled because he did non cognize what to make because he saw the outside as a wholly different environment from the 1 he was populating in that he used to remain in a dark topographic point and now he was introduced in a environment with sunshine and this was wholly a new environment to him and so he got baffled and wondered what to make. Here Plato was seeking to show that environment matters a batch in finding the coveted moralss.

The moralss that the people released from the cave had were wholly different from the 1s which the people who were outside had. The perceptual experience which the people who had stayed in the cave for a long clip had for the universe was wholly different from the perceptual experience which the people who were outside had and so these two groups of people had different perceptual experiences about the universe in general. Peoples that lived in Plato ‘s clip had different moralss as compared to the people who live in the modern universes. Whatever was considered as good moralss at that clip may non be considered as good moralss in the modern universe. Harmonizing to Plato hence, civilization, faith and part play a really large function in finding the moralss which can be considered as the proper moralss in certain society. Job agreed with Plato ‘s statement that the environment that one lives helps a batch in finding the moralss which that individual can see as the proper moralss. Aristotle argued that civilization faith and part are great determiners of the proper moralss or what can be considered as the proper moralss in that peculiar part and this is passed from one coevals to the other ( Heinemann, 2003.p. 45 ) . civilization is a procedure which is learned since one is a little kid and with clip or that individual grows, he or she keeps on larning his civilization and it keeps on droping on him or her and whatever his or her civilization teaches the individual grows up sing it as the right or the proper moralss.

All the Old Testament bookman s or the classical bookmans agree to this facet that moralss are determined by the civilization of a peculiar topographic point and they all agree to this statement. Classical or Old Testament bookmans who include Job, Plato and Aristotle agree to the fact or statement that civilization, faith and part are great determiners of moralss of a peculiar topographic point or part. The statement by the classical helps us greatly in they make us understand that our ain cultural believe systems helps a batch in our engagement to proviso of thoughts in that since civilization plays a function in moralss because first it gives us land for our statements or thoughts. Besides, our believe system can be integrated in thoughts of other believe systems therefore coming up with sustainable planetary thoughts. This statement besides helps in understanding our ego from cultural position and besides they help in developing our societal and political thoughts through the apprehension of ourselves in relation to our political and societal state of affairss or contexts.

Early Church: St. Paul ( I Corinthians ) and St. Augustine

St Paul and St Augustine talk of moralss as holding a strong relationship with faith. They talk of moralss scriptural position. They argue that moralss e determined by God in that what is or can be considered as good before God that is or can be said to be proper moralss. They argue that moral s are vey necessary in finding the proper moralss where those moral which are said to delight God are considered as good moral and those which do non delight God are considered or said to be bad ethical motives. Augustine argues that staying by the Torahs set Idahos one of the proper moralss in society. These two theologists argue that proper ethical motives are those ethical motives which please God and the improper ethical motives are the one which ado non supplications God.

In his calling as a theologist ‘s Paul was faced with really many practical and moral jobs in act uponing the Christian community which was been affected in its endurance. In the early church, there were concerns about the functions of work forces and adult females, matrimony, sex, worship and church order, hapless and rich among other concerns and these concerns originate in the pursuit to find or happen the moralss which can be considered as the proper moralss. Slavery and political relations were besides the concern of the early church. All these issues are included in St Paul ‘s missive and St Paul raised of used these issues in seeking to find or understand the issue of ethics.paul considered sanctity as the start point for proper moralss. He besides considered or emphasized on love as another determiner of what can be considered as proper moralss in the society which we live in.

In his letters St Paul talked of all these issues and in his full missive, he tried to explicate on issues which can be considered as the proper moralss in the society. St Augustine besides approached the moralss issue utilizing the same attack and both the statements of these two theologists on moralss are really closely interrelated and they understand of position moralss from a scriptural position. St Paul statements are similar to those of St Augustine and these two theologists have helped a batch in understanding the issue of moralss from the scriptural school of idea. Both of the two theologists but great accent in sanctity and love as thee first stairss towards proper moralss in society. Harmonizing to these two theologists therefore moralss are determined by God and non by civilization or part and so traveling by the statement of these two saints therefore moralss are cosmopolitan since God is every where and so moralss do non depend on part as it was the statement of the old testament bookmans or the classical bookmans who included Plato, Aristotle and Job among other old testament or classical bookmans.

The statement by the early church bookmans helps us greatly. The statement makes us understand that our ain spiritual believe systems helps a batch in our engagement to proviso of thoughts. This is explained in that since faith plays a function in moralss because first it gives us land for our statements or thoughts where it determines what is morally right and what is morally incorrect. Besides, our spiritual believe system can be integrated in thoughts of other spiritual believe systems therefore coming up with sustainable planetary thoughts. This statement besides helps in understanding our ego from spiritual position and besides they help in developing our societal and political thoughts through the apprehension of ourselves in relation to our spiritual, political and societal contexts.

Nineteenth Century/Twentieth Century: Marx, Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Beauvoir.

Kierkegaard ‘s statements on moralss are related largely on faith and imposts. He argues that moralss are determined by the current or the prevalent societal norms in the society. He argues that moralss are some how cosmopolitan where he argues or asserts that moralss represent the cosmopolitan facets of life.kierkegaad argues that societal norms are the 1s which determine the moralss in peculiar society. He extremely gives great accent on societal norms where he argues that the societal norms are the adult male determiners of the societal life and they are the 1s which determine what is incorrect and besides they are the 1s which determine what is right and so he gives great accent on societal norms. Beauvoir ‘s statements were similar to those of Kierkegaard where he besides argued that moralss are determined by the predominating societal norms in the society. Harmonizing to him, the predominating societal norms and faith are the chief determiners of the proper moralss in a society. Harmonizing to these bookmans nature besides plays a large function in finding the proper moralss in society

Karl Marx was said to be a scholar whom gave a batch of accent on moralss. Harmonizing to Karl Marx, there are assorted issues which can be considered as proper ethic. Marx considered or identified freedom as one of the moralss which is really of import in the society. Marx argued that the requirements of nature are the 1s which control adult male ( Kain, 1991.p. 19 ) . Harmonizing to Karl Marx, the adult males nature comprises of powers and he farther argues that adult male should hold freedom nature and so he emphasizes in freedom as one of the proper moralss which should be in every society.marx besides talked widely on household moralss and so these household moralss can be affected by the economic system but in most of his statements on moralss were based on the issue of freedom where he argued that freedom was the footing of all the moralss.

Marx argued that capitalist societies did non give their people plenty freedom because the 1s who owned land and capital were the 1s show controlled the province or the opinion category. These people and put Torahs which merely favored them and which made them acquire more wealth and so to accomplish these ends so they came up with unfavourable Torahs. These Torahs did non give the low category sufficiency freedom and so he proposed that socialism is the best signifier of administration. He argued that in a socialist province, there is freedom since the citizens are non bound by unfavourable jurisprudence and so in such a province there is adequate freedom.Marx hence concluded that a capitalist provinces there are no proper moralss including household moralss because of the intervention from the governing category and so harmonizing to Marx, proper moralss are merely found in socialist societies and hence harmonizing to Marx, moralss determined by nature and province.

Both the Old Testament and the early church statement put great accent of faith as one of the determiners of moralss in society. The Old Testament argues that moralss are a merchandise of the prevailing or the bing faith and that they are guided by faith. The early church which includes the plants of st Paul and st Augustine argue that proper moralss are determined by good or by the will of God. Harmonizing to these theologists, what the bible considers as the proper moralss so that is the proper moralss and they should steer people in society. The old testament or classical argue that environment plays a large function in finding moralss while the early church bookmans do non set great accent on environment as a determiner of moralss in society.

Both the serious musics and the nineteenth/twentieth century bookmans argue that civilization plays a large function in finding the moralss in society. The Old Testament scholars argue that the civilization of a topographic point shapes peoples behaviour and that people behave and act harmonizing to the civilization in which they were brought up in. The 20th century bookmans on the other manus argue that cultural societal norms in a society determine the moralss in society and so both the classical and the 20th century bookmans put accent on civilization as one of the determiners of moralss in society. The nineteenth/twentieth century bookmans argued that moralss should be cosmopolitan in that they should non be restricted or applicable to a certain part merely but should be applied or applicable universally. The Old Testament scholars or the classical did non believe I n this but they believed or argued that moralss should or are applicable merely in a certain part and this contrasts to the statements of the 19th /twentieth century bookmans who included Karl Marx. The 19th /twentieth bookmans statements helps us greatly in they make us understand that our ain believe systems helps a batch in our engagement to proviso of thoughts in that since societal norms play a function in moralss because first they give us land for our statements or thoughts. This statement besides helps in understanding our ego from our norms position and besides they help in developing our societal and political thoughts through the apprehension of ourselves in relation to our predominating societal norms and political contexts or state of affairss.


The serious musics emphasize on civilization, faith and part as the deciding s of moralss. The early church bookmans on the other manus put accent on Gods will and nature as the determiners of moralss in society. Finally the 20th century bookmans emphasize on predominating societal norms as the determiners of moralss in the society. All these statements are really of import because they diversify our apprehension of moralss. They besides help in understanding ourselves in our societal and political contexts.

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